Monday 19 May 2014

Leadership Centre conducts Strategic Management Training for NWSC

The Leadership Centre commenced a 3 day strategic management programme for the board of the NWSC. This follows an earlier programme that was successfully conducted in improving board performance at NWSC. The earlier programme was intended to improve board performance in clarifying its roles and those of management. During that training it was noted that the Directors needed to learn more about strategic management among the key duties of the board member is to give strategic direction to an organization. To be able to do this, members must have knowledge in strategic management, how strategy is evolved and implemented. Facilitating the training, Prof Waswa Balunywa, The MUBS principal, said that strategic management in a non-business organization was different. He said that non businesses including government departments had a social aim and therefore while they had to be efficient, they did not seek profits. He said that this acted a s a limiting factor. Balunywa argued that in such organizations there are multiple constituencies which were different stakeholders and this acted as a hindrance to agreeing on a common goal. The fact that they are not profit oriented is a hindrance to efficiency in their operations. He took the board members through the process of formulating strategies and highlighted the need for skills in strategic thinking and analysis. He said that strategic management dealt with the role of the top managers in the organization. In a very lively and active day, the enthusiastic board members were pleased with the programme. Opening the programme, the Board Chairman Dr. Eng. Christopher Ebal thanked the facilitators from MUBS and GIZ, the development partners who were enabling this to happen, he also thanked his colleagues for finding the time to attend. He hoped that the colleagues would enjoy their stay and learn something to take back to NWSC after the training.

The facilitators on the training were led by Prof Balunywa, Governor Leo Kibirango, Ms Regis Namuddu, the Director and Dr Muhammed Ngoma. The MUBS team was supported by Ms Maureen Basuuta.